Alejandro Iglesias (44), apasionado por la gastronomía y las bebidas desde que tiene uso de razón, en 2005 se recibió en la Escuela Argentina de Sommeliers (EAS) y desde entonces se ha desempeñado como cronista especializado en diferentes medios locales (Bacanal,, BeGlam, Magna, Wine+, Revista Joy, Clase Ejecutiva y otros) e internacionales (Revista Sommeliers de Perú, Revista Placer de Uruguay y Decanter del Reino Unido).
Como docente de EAS dicta clases en Buenos Aires, Panamá y Costa Rica. En 2013 fue nombra director académico de curso de Sommelier Profesional de la Facultad de Química de Montevideo perteneciente de la Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay.
Vinhas de cepas mediterrâneas na Argentina: alguns produtores direcionaram suas bússolas às cepas do Ródano e formaram um pequeno grupo que produz vinhos fascinantes na Argentina.
Petrus, Romanee Conti, Masseto and To Kalon are wines known world-wide for being the best of the best and they all have something in common: they come from vineyards that…
Expertise in Malbec: like any education, what seems difficult at first gets easier over time. With a little help, anyone can become an expert. A guide to getting a black belt in the iconic grape variety.
When people think of Malbec, their minds often turn to meat, but Malbec pairings can be much more diverse than that. here is a Malbec for every dish and any occasion.
Looking forward to Malbec World Day, which is celebrated on 17 April, Malbec lovers across the world tell us just why they fell in love with the star of the Argentine wine scene.
Since the early 2000s, a cluster of intrepid producers in the Quebrada de Humahuaca have headed up the mountain to produce wine right on the Tropic of Capricorn, at 23° South, to make some extraordinary wines. Discover them.
In Argentina about a third of vineyards are at least 40 years old and there are several that are over a hundred. Those old vines represent valuable genetic material.
Argentina is the fifth largest wine producer in the world with a winemaking history that dates back 400 years, so any bottle you choose is going to be good quality. Additionally, although Argentina is best known for its Malbecs, it also offers a wide range of other grapes and styles. It's time to find out how to choose the best Argentine wines.
We’re coming down the final straight of 2020, a year that won’t be forgotten in a hurry and certainly won’t be missed, and a great way of celebrating is by…