It says Nicole on the driving license but everyone calls her Nicky. She recently got her degree in Electronic Engineering, loves bringing order to chaos and her mom is from Argentina while her dad is American. She lives on her own with her cat cookie and her best friend is Hayley. It just so happens that she's developed an interest in Argentine wine but they're only just getting to know one another.
Visitar bodegas en Tupungato: Recorriendo la Ruta 89, solo a poco menos de una hora de Mendoza Capital, viajamos a probar los vinos de tres bodegas muy interesantes de este terruño singular de la Argentina.
Malbec: ideas frescas para disfrutar de la perla argentina. Tragos, maridajes y hasta una sal son algunas de las alternativas que Mendoza ofrece para descubrir a su cepa emblemática.