Getting up close and personal with strangers in Argentina isn’t difficult. In fact, finding yourself at a rather intimate distance from Argentines is hard to avoid. You’ll inevitably end up…
Vivino is launching the results of the 2018 Vivino Wine Style Awards, recognizing the very best and most beloved wines from around the globe. This year’s award winning wines were…
On October 31st, Martín Bruno, at just 34, became the best sommelier in Argentina at the 7th contest organized by the Argentine Association of Sommeliers (AAS). His is an exemplary career of what is today a profession in Argentina.
Ageing is a taboo subject in Argentina. Not because consumers, locals or foreigners do not want to try the smooth flavour of the years, but because, and this is the thing, wineries in general do not treasure wines and restaurants sell the last bottle regularly. But things are changing.
Argentine gastronomy is living its best moment. In 2017, Buenos Aires was the Gastronomic Capital of Latin America and 9 of the 50 best restaurants in Latin America are in Buenos Aires.
Llamas, sheep and geese is what you'll find roaming among some Argentine vineyards. If the classic picture postcard included mountains and rows of vines, there is now a bio version with animals. The reason? A small but growing reality called biodynamic wine from which more and more certified wines are arriving.
[:es]La amplia familia de uvas Criollas comienza a hacer ruido entre los wine lovers. A pesar de su antigua estirpe enológica, para muchos se trata de cepas exóticas y novedosas, tanto o más que el sabor de sus vinos.