In November 2024, Wines of Argentina brought 27 Masters of Wine to Argentina so they could get first-hand experience of the incredible diversity of the country and its premium wines. Their overall impressions of the two weeks they spent touring the country were extremely positive. Today we want to tell (and show) you more about their viticultural adventure across Argentina. Are you in for this experience?
Argentina has a lengthy tradition of producing excellent wines and also providing wonderful experiences the length and breadth of this vast country. One of these took place at the end of 2024 when in November Wines of Argentina (WOFA) were visited by 26 Masters of Wine accompanied by the Executive Director of The Institute of Masters of Wine. The visit was made possible by support from the Tourism Board of Mendoza, the Province of Salta, the Argentine Viticultural Corporation, Eco de los Andes and Crux Cavas. Why do we think it was such an incredible trip? Because each of the destinations on the tour offered such stunning landscapes and amazing wines.
The select group of Masters of Wine – world class wine experts – from many different nations gathered together in Argentina to reinforce and update first hand their knowledge of the Argentine wine scene. An event of this importance required first class organization from the body, its partners and suppliers, with every aspect carefully calculated to ensure each moment would be unforgettable and also to generate great expectation about what was coming next.
Ninety Argentine wineries were involved in different stages and helped to deliver a communications strategy that conveyed the true magnitude of an event that, while not unprecedented, was certainly unique and of great significance to the story of Argentine Wine.
This audiovisual documentation is split into 3 episodes, with the organizers, visitors and hosts providing first person accounts of what it means for the Argentine Wine industry to have these 26 prestigious international professionals walking the country’s vineyards, and anticipating the long term impact of their visit. Spoiler alert: the Masters of Wine themselves say that Argentina has set the bar very high.
We all know that “Malbec is King”, as the Australian expert Kate McIntyre says in the second episode. But there is a very specific desire that is continuously expressed not just by wine professionals but everyone who comes to visit us to rediscover the diversity of Argentina: that the country must keep working on more great exponents of that diversity with the potential to stand out and compete overseas such as Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir, Torrontés, Semillón, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay. The world of Argentine wine is extremely exciting and always changing in its efforts to meet the demands of consumers, whose tastes, motivations and habits are also in constant flux.
All of the Masters provided feedback to our industry professionals before returning home and their opinions are invaluable. Over 200 wines were submitted for evaluation by some of the highest profile professionals on the planet and their comments were consistently favorable. It’s especially important to note that these wine experts from across the world were extremely impressed by our different varieties and winemakers.
The fact is that tasting Argentine wines is an experience that you’ll never forget and want to repeat again and again. The added value of the setting for the tastings can’t really be conveyed in words. Experiencing the flavor and aroma of an Argentine wine while the sun is going down in Cafayate, or seeing the dawn in the Andes in Los Chacayes, are experiences that stay with you forever. Argentina communicates with you through every glass of wine, a level of connection that is both unique and lasts a lifetime.