Wineries investing in education. A range of establishments are investing in different projects and initiatives to help train their workers and provide education to their local communities.
Six non-winery restaurants in Mendoza. The boom in oenotourism is attracting more and more visitors with high gastronomic expectations and Mendoza is meeting them brilliantly.
At the Sustenta-Vitis Forum, the first conference on sustainability in the Argentine wine industry organized by WofA, specialists from different parts of the world came to the country, touring wineries and sharing their views on national viticulture.
Winery waste and treatment: what Argentine winemakers are doing to improve their handling of winery waste. At the vineyard and during the wine production process, waste is generated that enterprises are trying to re-use or recycle to reduce their negative impact on the environment.
Wineries certified in sustainability through a comprehensive program run to encourage sustainability in the Argentine wine industry overseen by Sustenta-Vitis and supported by AL-INVEST Verde with financing from the European Union.
Achieving sustainability is an increasingly urgent issue and in the middle of a water crisis, taking care of water resources at Argentine wineries and ensuring that they are used efficiently…
Sustainable viticulture. By implementing a series of measures both large and small, along with a range of protocols and certifications, the country has made major progress. Argentine wine is looking to the future.
Biodynamic wines in Argentina. The farming method has grown by more than 60% across Argentina in just five years. Through collaboration and experimentation, more and more wineries are putting their trust in the philosophy.
Regenerative viticulture. Taking organic viticulture a step further, many wineries are implementing methods to restore the health of the soil, leaving behind monoculture and bringing back native bush and forest.
Organic viticulture in Argentina. Relying on natural quality and diversity, more and more hectares in Argentina are turning their backs on chemical products.