Phil has been travelling to Argentina for over 20 years, and has seen the changes first hand.
He was wine director at Gaucho for 20 years, pioneering the first all Argentine list in the UK, and has championed the wines from Argentina since.
Phil was a judge on the Argentine panel of Decanter for many years, and has regularly contributed to articles about the industry in trade and consumer journals. He has managed vineyards in Mendoza and was responsible for creating many of Gaucho’s own wines over the years, working with many of Argentina’s top winemakers and producers. Phil is now Ambassador for Wines of Argentina in the UK and Europe, maintaining close links with the trade and promoting our interests.
Quem está familiarizado com Mendoza, na Argentina, com certeza visitou várias regiões que frequentemente vemos nas etiquetas dos vinhos. Por exemplo, Luján de Cuyo e Maipú (emblemas do leste de…