Malbec: Argentina’s Great Debut

Malbec numbers

This April 17th, for the fifth consecutive year, we will be holding Malbec World Day, a celebration created and established by Wines of Argentina, the organization responsible for the promotion of the Vino Argentino brand worldwide. And we are inevitably full of expectation!

In 2015, with more than 70 events in 64 cities of 50 countries and under the theme Lights, Camera, Malbec!, which highlights Malbec´s connection with the silver screen, we celebrate the growth of the prestige of Malbec in the markets, the energy contributed by the actors who participate in this festive occasion and the originality of the actions taken to honor Malbec.

An Open Secret

Malbec is Argentina´s great debut, the star that earned the country its place in the international wine scene and allowed it to shine in an ocean of bottles, labels and countries, thanks to its sweet, silky, enveloping tannins, intensely dark color and versatility.

However, we have now come to a crossroads in its history. Although some figures reflect the challenging situation the industry is going through, we would rather think that the glass is half full and shout from the rooftops that Malbec is not a transient boom, but a classic that is here to stay and reinvent itself.

New styles develop, new regions arise, old terroirs are rediscovered, new generations of vine growers and winemakers keep going for it. Above all, new consumers across the globe are willing to choose it and fall for it, because the Malbec brand can also aspire to earn its place in the heart of wine lovers.

Figures Speak for Themselves*

• 38,846 hectares planted with Malbec in Argentina make it the most widely planted variety in the country. This is also the largest area planted with this variety worldwide.
• It represents 12.76% of the total production of wine grapes.
• With 34.9%, it ranks first in importance among the high quality wine grape varieties.
• During 2014, Malbec varietals ranked first in exported volume and represented 53% of the total varietals. With 1,169,658 hl exported, there was 10.43% increase in the exported volumes with respect to 2013, and 570% with respect to 2004.
• FOB values for Malbec varietal wines present a 2.93% increase with respect to 2013 and have risen 828% with respect to 2004.
• In 2014 Malbec varietals were exported to 119 countries. The main destinations for bottled Malbec were the United States, which represented 47% of the total, and the United Kingdom, which accounted for 9.63%.

*Source: Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura (Argentina´s National Wine Institute)

It is important to highlight that we are not alone in the endeavor to promote Malbec. The celebration of Malbec World Day is also supported by wineries, the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship, and the provincial governments. It is included in Plan Estratégico Vitivinícola Argentina 2020 (Argentina Wine 2020 Strategic Plan), coordinated by the Argentine Wine Corporation (COVIAR). All in all, since 2011 and up to date, more than 500 events have been held in more than 300 cities of 190 countries. This great success is further proof of the true globalization of this celebration.

Argentine Malbec is like a good film we watch over and over again and continue to enjoy. So today, more than ever, let´s toast to this success, one that belongs to all.


Magdalena Pesce
Gerente de Marketing & Comunicación
Wines of Argentina


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