Ani Lucero es licenciada en Comunicación Social egresada de la UNCuyo. Ama leer y es una obsesiva de la buena ortografía. Es muy detallista y perfeccionista, por lo que siempre le gusta mantener el orden en lo que la rodea.
Durante su formación académica trabajó en radio. Además participó activamente en diversos proyectos de Extensión Universitaria en los que desempeñó tareas comunitarias en barrios urbanos marginales de la Ciudad de Mendoza.
Le apasiona el mundo de la comunicación institucional y la Semiótica, es por eso que su tesis de grado se basó en el análisis de la cultura organizacional del área administrativa del Hospital Universitario (HU) de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo desde un abordaje semiótico.
Tiene una relación de amor - odio, bastante complicada, con Twitter, el chocolate y el café. Además es una aficionada a la fotografía y a los viajes.
Desde el año 2010 trabaja en el área de Comunicación y Marketing de Wines of Argentina siendo una pieza fundamental del equipo, aportando prolijidad, dinamismo, y nuevas ideas.
Ani Lucero graduated in Social Communication from UNCuyo. She loves to read and is obsessive about good spelling. She is a perfectionist and very meticulous, so I always like to maintain order when in her surroundings.
During her academic training, she worked in radio. She has also actively participated in various University extension projects where she served in community service in urban slums of the city of Mendoza.
She is passionate about the world of corporate communication and semiotics, and for this her the-sis was based on the analysis of organisational culture of the administrative area of the University Hospital (HU) of the National University of Cuyo from a semiotic approach.
She has a love - hate, rather complicated relationship with Twitter, chocolate and coffee. She loves photography and travel.
Since 2010 she has worked in the area of Communication and Marketing of Wines of Argentina being a fundamental member of the team, providing organisation, dynamism and new ideas.
In total there were 100 guests who enjoyed the wines from Argentina and eight wineries that participated and with their presence contributed to the possibility of strengthening the bond between the audience and Argentine wine.
Interview with Angel Vespa During the last decade of the twentieth century, the social responsibility of companies acquired rel-evance and was driven by the reduced role of the state as…